Friday, October 21, 2005

The Sun Rises on a New Day

I have just got in from a night and as I walked down the road back to the flat I realised that the sky was already becoming light from the sun which was starting to rise. However, there is so much going around in my head that I cannot sleep before I put pen to paper or at least finger to keyboard.

Today has been a long day and started at 0830 this morning with a day of filming continuing until gone 5 (with the shortest of lunch breaks), followed by a quick nap with the Conservative Party election results before a quick sing at Sing Soc and a L-O-N-G drink with Tim including a bop at the Indie night at the union.

However, just as the sun rises on a new day, it acts as a very good metaphore for all that has happened today. I have neither the time (my bed calls) nor the inclination to say all that I mean by this but will jot down a few brief phrases about how I feel.

The filming today very much acted as a start of what I really want to do in life. The journalism and the necessity to deal with any problems that arise was stimulating and exciting. The lugging of equipment, though, was physically shattering. It was truly like a new start. Some three weeks after starting this course, I was out filming a story that my group and I had found, researched and prepared. The development in this cause is so fast.

Then the Conservative Party finally seemed to acknowledge the need for a fresh beginning though what format his will take still remains unclear.

Sing Soc was its normal pleasure and we laughed a great deal. During the post-sing drink Tim invited me to meet up. Thus followed some drunken fun with failed flirting but a gradual realisation of what I want from relationships. Alcohol may not help the head but at times ‘in vino verita’ is most true. I have resolved to take control of my life. Thus, I must get to bed so that I can work on my report in a few hours time.

So as the dawn commences here in Sheffield, I can only hope that other dawns are about to start.

Sunshine and smiles, CJG x


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