Friday, September 30, 2005

Week One Done

Just to say that I have just fininished a 7 hour session on video editing which was quite good and has ended what has been a very positive day for me.

Feeling a bit down last night, I went to the University of Sheffield singers Society, a non-audition Chorus. Despite innitial nerves and the dread of doing Walton's Belshazzar's Feast again (it was my first, rather disastrous experience of the University of Warwick Chorus), I had a really good time.

The singing was lead by a guy called Pete who was really engaging and talented. The committee were friendly and the drink afterwards in the bar was highly appreciated!! It waqs amateur choral singing at its best and managed to combine fun with some more detailed work. I laughed a lot and am really looking forwrd to next week. Sadly, though I may only make the drink afterwards as there is the post-graduate welcome drinks for the Journalism school. Free alcohol, so can't be sniffed at!!

Today we had video-editing and it was with this really nice tutor and I enjoyed it so much more than the audio-editing. He made me feel OK that I was not perfect and pointed out that we had very little knowledge six hours earlier. Have to admit, though, that the pace of the course is great. In the last two days we have produced an audio and video report. The introductory sessions of Monday seem an age ago and I currently feel really happy.

This weekend don't have a huge amount planned though revising law will be involved and I may consider applying for a job or six.

That ends week one of teaching with its highs and lows. A beer, I think is called for!!

Have a good one, whatever you are doing,


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