Wednesday, October 26, 2005

False Expectations and Unforeseen Surprises

I am typing to you from Sheffield today following a weekend where the delights of the M1 were fully investigated. It has, however, been a very pleasurable and thought provoking few days, allowing me even in this brief time to think and digest. Life is a strange thing, when you think about it and throws up all sorts of surprises in ways that you would not predict.

My instant image of Bury St Edmunds is of a town in a rather flat part of the world with nothing much to particularly make it memorable. However, following two editions of 'Songs of Praise' set at the Cathedral, I have been following this town's story for some time so when Bro decided to work there, I was looking forward to seeing the place.

The town is an interesting mix of both the modern and the old but the differences are not often quite as clear as you would first think. The Nave of the church dates back to the 16th century and looks wonderful but the tower dates back to July this year and is yet in total keeping. What initially seems ancient turns out to be anything but. The appearance is almost a lie. I expected Bury to be flat and dull and it was far more interesting than that.

At the same time I had a wonderful time with the family and seeing what Bro was up to in his life. If I am honest, I was not very keen on his church but it was good to see where he worshipped. It was indeed good to see where he worked even if they are celebrating Christmas … in October!! As for Bro’s local … mustn’t grumble as the beer was quite good!!

The time away gave me time to realise that I am a Christian and although I do not subscribe to Bro’s Church’s theology, I do have to live my life according to at least some principles. I need to be honest and open with myself, those around me and my God. God does not accept my second best or a desire to bend the rules. So neither must I, whatever my instincts tell me.

So, as I walked into University today (and made law on time!!) I was listening to music. A work by Nigel Hess I know well having played and listened to it regularly. However, today it sounded Fresh and new. The Clarinet’s counter-melody took on a new life. I felt happy with for the first time in a while.

Play on, I say, play on.

Love, as always,


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