Is it me but ...
Now, correct me if I am wrong but:
(a) Devolution to the Welsh Assembly was meant to improve matters for Welsh people.
(b) Nine and half years into a Labour Administration, we're told that the NHS is getting better and that waiting lists are down.
(c) Most non-emergency, out-patient working (according to the BBC) is now carried out in 13 weeks in England.
If (a) and (b) are true then:
(1) Why has it taken my Mother two weeks to get an appointment to see the Doctors in Wales?
(2) Why is that 'two weeks is normal in Wales' (according to the Nurse) when a week seems more normal a mile over the border?
(3) Why is there no walk-in centre in North Wales but there has been for years in Coventry and Sheffield?
(4) Why did it take over a year to get my hearing tested?
Is it me but things are not quite right. Ok, so prescription prices are half in Wales what they are in England but you need to see a doctor to prescribe them. Do you think I have a case in court of Human Rights about dicriminating against parts of the population?
Answers on a post card ...
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